About Haya Hearts

The reason why i named my business Haya Hearts is because, the word "hearts" symoblizes love which embodies my deep love for Islam, modesty, and love itself. The word "haya" means modesty in Islam, a principle that guides how we present ourselves and interact with the world. Throughout my life, I struggled with the pressure to conform to societal expectations, but I found that true fulfillment comes from aligning with my faith and seeking to impress Allah only. Once I embraced modesty, I experienced a sense of contentment and confidence, knowing that I was honoring my beliefs and representing islam in the correct manner. I genuinely gained so much self love. I hope you never feel pressured from society. You don’t need to dress or look how society dictates, true love for yourself and contentment comes from obeying Allah.

By intertwining the concepts of haya and love, I hope to create a website where individuals can embrace their faith, experiencing the beauty and strength that love and haya brings into our lives. I wish you the best with your modesty journey.

May Allah swt keep you on sirat al mustaqim

If you have any issues at all, please dm me us on instagram @hayaahearts.

Lots of Love

Haya Hearts